Illinois 7-year-old with life-threatening heart condition becomes SWAT officer for a day

The Chicago Police Department on Sunday partnered with the Illinois Make-a-Wish Foundation to help one 7-year-old become a SWAT officer

Ibrahim from Worth, Illinois, has a life-threatening heart condition, and his dream was to become “a police officer for a day to catch a luxury car thief,” according to the CPD’s Twitter Page.

Chicago police made Ibraham “an honorary CPD SWAT officer to make his dream come true,” the department tweeted, along with photos of him on duty.

Honorary SWAT Officer Ibrahim immediately got to work to train with his fellow officers and take a course in LEMART training,” the department wrote. “His day ended with him bravely saving the life of a car theft victim and taking two car thieves into custody.”

Photos show Ibrahim walking next to an armored rescue vehicle, petting a police dog, jumping through tires, apprehending a car thief and looking inside a Ferrari.

The CPD thanked the Illinois Make-a-Wish chapter, plus Chicago’s Crown Rally luxury driving experience company, the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation and the Chicago Fire Department for helping “to fulfill Ibrahim’s wish and put the biggest smile on his face.”