
Infrastructural Decay, Lack of Equipment, Staff Hampering Progress At Benue HMB -Executive Secretary

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By Isaac Kertyo, Makurdi

The Executive Secretary, Benue State Hospitals Management Board, Dr Onojah Matthew, has identified infrastructural Decay, lack of equipment and professional staff as the major impediment to the growth at the Benue State Hospitals Management Board.

Dr Onojah Matthew, who disclosed this in Makurdi, the Benue State capital, while fielding questions from Day Break, noted however that plans are underway for the renovation of the board’s structure, by the Benue State Government for effective service delivery.

“I worked with the Hospitals Management Board before my appointment as the Executive Secretary. I am aware of the problems, I am aware of the challenges, and I intend to develop the proposal which I have, which I am going to present to His Excellency.

“The challenges in HMB are enormous, they’re not problems that are starting this year or in this administration. They are problems that predates several administrations. These problems are infrastructural Decay, lack of development, lack of equipment and lack of staff, especially our professional staff. The issues are plenty just to mention a few.”

The Executive Secretary lauded the Governor of Benue State, Rev Fr Hyacinth Alia, over his unwavering commitment to the development of the health sector in particular and Benue State as a whole, adding that, Rev Fr Alia is the first Governor to approve a budget for health that is recommended by WHO.

“I am very happy that I am coming on board at a time that, Rev Fr Iormem Alia, is the Governor, and I have the believe that with the love and support he has been giving to health issues in Benue State, a lot will be achieved in the health sector during Governor Alia’s tenure. This is the first time that we are having a budget that is recommended by WHO for health and approved by the state.

“He started with Benue State University Teaching Hospital, we have seen the employment and the issue of infrastructural development at the hospital. We are the secondary health sector, so with the budget that he has approved, we believe there will be improvement in the sector. His Excellency was right here in this office, he visited the facility and saw the state of the structure and he made a pronouncement that this structure will be brought down and rebuilt.”

Dr Onojah, who assured that the issue of staff will soon be addressed by the Governor, commended Rev Fr Alia, for ensuring prompt payment of salaries to civil servants in the state, award of contract for construction of township and rural roads as well as tackling insecurity in the state. He appreciated the Governor for appointing him as the Executive Secretary of the board.

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