Insecurity: President Buhari. The Street isn’t smiling.

President Buhari’s 2020 Christmas Message to Nigerians

By Oluwakayode Ogundamidi

@OfficialAPCNg controls @NGRSenate and Reps, majority Governor. @MBuhari was a candidate of the Party, if he’s failing in that number one duty. Security. The Party should be able to put all options on the table, including asking for the President’s resignation.

At some point you put your country before your love for the President. Insecurity is eroding the very impressive strides in the provision and construction of infrastructure, but its only those who are able to stay alive that can use those infrastructure.
Big elephant in the room.

I asked Governors @elrufai and @kfayemi if the Party had internal provisions where elected officials can be sanctioned if they fail on the Party programme, including the President. Well, from the response I got, it appears the chances are ZERO! So, we got to keep hoping.

We can’t keep making excuses for the President. The constitution puts the security of Nigerians right at his door step. If that was faulty, his Party had 6 years to amend the constitution.
If it were to be @GEJonathan or @OfficialPDPNig I am sure voices would have been louder.

So, if the Presidents supporters, including his Party really care about him. They will be angrily telling him he needs to do better or go and rest.
I Care about @MBuhari but Care more about Nigeria. The level of insecurity is UNACCEPTABLE. Stakeholders must wake up to reality.

Sadly too that politicians in both Parties are being careful not to be seen to be hard on the President because of their personal ambition. You can only become President if Nigeria still exist in 2023. What @MBuhari needs now is a friendly, lovely hard knock on the head.

I support this government and want them to succeed. NOTHING is recieved for that support. I won’t jump ship because things are bad or to please the vultures whose aim is more about power capture than genuine desire for good governance. Our Armed forces are overstretched and can’t be left to get tired.

And spare me that over used term of “It is the people around Baba”.
Those who really care about Buharis legacy, not the beneficiaries of his electoral victory.

The REAL BUHARISTS who supported him for the love of the country must let him know BABA THE STREET ISN’T SMILING!

Being a BUHARIST isn’t about Buhari himself, if the President himself fails in the standard of what is expected of him, right to call him out.

It isn’t a Fulani war against the rest of us in the South. We are dealing with organised Terrorism with increasing geographical spread.

We have our brave Men and Women still up against Boko Haram in the North East and now Terrorists with RPG’s automatic weapons and massive fire power emboldened to issue ultimatums and holding the State and Country to ransom. It is dire.

And to Governors across party lines, Buhari may have the constutuonal blame but you are also culpable. You receive security votes, elected to create employment and conducive business environment but spend most of your time in Abuja. Doing what exactly? In a Federation?

It is a Patriotic duty to seek for the success of @MBuhari as @NGRPresident because if he succeeds then Nigeria succeeds. But it will be isn’t patriotic to pretend that all is okay when the business of kidnapping is almost becoming normalised. The President can declare a State of emergency in at least 4 States if its within the law. Put the military in charge and clear bandits under emergency laws. He has many options, if he fails to use them, he will become the option. Insecurity can’t just be allowed to spiral out of control.