
Internal Strife: Appointment of Chief Imam Sparks Division Within Osun Muslim Community

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The Muslim community in Inisa, Osun State, is facing turmoil due to a crisis surrounding the appointment of the Chief Imam, leading to the closure of the central mosque. The dispute arose in 2020 after the death of the previous Chief Imam, sparking disagreements over succession. Two factions emerged, with one advocating for a restructuring of the selection process, focusing on knowledge of Islam, while the other supported a local cleric, Sheikh Muhammadu Jamiu Abdulhakeem, adhering to traditional succession. The death of key figures, including the Eesa of Inisa, Chief Enoch Ajiboso, added to the complexity. Legal actions ensued, and a violent incident forced the closure of the mosque. Despite interventions, the community awaits a court judgment while the crisis persists.

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