Joshua Bamiloye blasted for calling the movie series Lucifer an avenue for the Devil to win souls

Joshua Bamiloye blasted for calling the movie series Lucifer an avenue for the Devil to win souls

Joshua Mike-Bamiloye the younger son of Pastor Mike-Bamiloye the founder of Mount Zion Faith Ministry christian drama is currently facing online backlash for claiming that the American movie series “Lucifer” is an avenue for the Devil to use to win more souls to hell.
Lucifer is an American urban fantasy police procedural comedy-drama television series developed by Tom Kapinos.

His tweet brought about a lot of positive and negative responses from fans

He Tweeted;
There’s a show


Azin the devil o lol

And you,

Knowing how captivating foreign series can be,

You still watch.

Now you LOVE the character; Lucifer,

Like Jack Bauer.

And somehow you think,

the devil isn’t winning your soul over…


This tweet really exposes how bad things have gotten. Satan is far more smarter than we think. It’s not just sitting around waiting for rapture to happen. He’s turning as many hearts as he can to himself using MOSTLY the media. It’s the easiest most subtle way for him.


That being said, this isn’t to scare us, but to remind us to stay vigilant, wise, keeping our hearts and spirit on what glorify God. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.


it’s no joke… it’s not that deep yh?
How do we give our lives to Christ? By believing and DECLARING right?
Check the comments on here n see tweets like
“I love Lucifer, nice show”
“Lucifer isn’t bad”
“Lucifer makes sense”
“Lucifer is my best character”

Replying to @jay_mikee
Lucifer means “Bearer of Light”
We mustn’t attach too much to simple series


And in reality, who was “Lucifer” in the Bible?, who is he presently? Who does the TV series present him to be? This is very subtle way of changing your heart about what the Bible has already written.

@seyiflawless Retweeted Joshua Mike-Bamiloye
The moment i saw the series “Lucifer ” i hated it. When i read what it was about and saw that it was about the real Lucifer, i hated it even more. I stand with this tweet. Don’t bother coming for me, y’all can watch what you want.

@Niekan_ Retweeted Joshua Mike-Bamiloye
Nobody gonna slander Mount Zion movies on my watch, that was my entire childhood. Pst Mike Bamiloye is the GOAT abeg.