
Kaduna 2023 Hajj exercise was characterised by accommodation, feeding hitches – Gov Sani

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By Achadu Gabriel, Kaduna

Kaduna State Governor, Senator Uba Sani, said his adminstration would ensure a great improvement on the 2024 Hajj exercise, saying the 2023 was characterized by accommodation and feeding hitches, vindicating the report on the poor conduct of the exercise.

Governor Sani who spoke in Hausa, made the assertion at the finals of the Annual Qur’anic Recitation Competition held in Kaduna on Saturday,

He also announced Hajj seats for the overall winners of the Annual Qur’anic Recitation Competition in the State for male and female categories, for been impressed about this year’s Qur’anic recitation.

The two winners according to the Governor, will be among the official clerics that will serve as guides and preachers for pilgrims from Kaduna State in the 2024 Hajj exercise.

The Governor also, in his personal capacity donated cash prizes to winners of the competition from first to fourth positions across different categories of the competition.

On the 2024 Hajj exercise, the Governor said he has inaugurated a committee to ensure that the next Hajj exercise is hitch-free and a great improvement on the 2023 exercise, which was characterized by accommodation and feeding hitches.

Sank stressed that, many people have approached him seeking contracts on Hajj services like pilgrims uniforms, foods, accommodation and others.

Hhe however said that, “What I want to tell whoever gets contract for Hajj services, is that, they should fear Allah and give the best to the pilgrims so that, they can earn the prayers of the pilgrims, not the wrath of Allah the pilgrims are going to serve.”

While speaking on the importance of the Holy Qur’an, Governor Sani said, the society will be at peace if all Muslims read the Qur’an and follow its teaching.

Meanwhile, delivering a lecture at the event, National Leader Jama’atu Izalatu Bid’ah Wa Ikamatu Sunnah (JIBWIS), Sheikh Abdullahi Bala Lau also said that Qur’an is the solution to ending the challenges of terrorism, because whoever understands Qur’an will not engage in terrorism and banditry.

He remarked that, Muslims, especially the scholars must go back to the Qur’an and teach it to others, saying that, that is the bast way to achieve peace.

While commending Governor Uba Sani for his contribution to the propagation of Islam, the Islamic cleric urged him to carry on with the good works of former Governor Nasir El-Rufai and ensure welfare of the citizens of the state, adding that, infrastructure development without citizens welfare is not good enough.

He urged Nigerians, especially Muslims to stay away from worshipping anything other that their creator.

The Speaker, Kaduna State House of Assembly, Hon. Dahiru Liman also donated the sum of N1.5million to the winners and judges of the competition.

Highlight of the occasion was presentation of prizes to the winners of the Qur’anic Recitation Competition….

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