
Kaduna people are suffering, bandits having a field day -CAN chairman decries

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By Gabriel Udeh,Kaduna

The chairman, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Kaduna State Rev. Joseph John Hayap has decried the sufferings of the people of Kaduna State.

Rev. Hayap who made the assertion in an interview also stated that the insecurity situation is getting worse with bandits having a field day killing, kidnapping and abducting innocent people despite the network ban and other security measures put in place by government.

According to him the ban on Okada riders and regulation of time of Keke napep among measures only inflicts pains and increased poverty, hunger and could lead to more criminalitoes.

The Chairman who spoke in an interview at the end of a special prayer organised by CAN over security challenges in the state further said that ” We’re here helping ourselves not to see the need to mourn because bad things are happening in Nigeria.

“Because everyday the story we hear in news are quite frightening – 40 killed, kidnapped among others. And how do you continue to leave in such fears everyday.

“The fact that people are even dying of such fears.of this kinds of bad news, we’ve to go to scriptures to remind ourselves that the scripture says we should thank God in every situation we found ourselves.

“Even when things are not good, we’re thanking God. As we make efforts to correct those things, let’s appreciate God for the situation and move on”, he said

He also reflected on the shutting down of network services, keke napep, Okada ban and others in Kaduna state, adding that “These are part of what we’re saying that Kaduna State Government is just acting in error virtually on everything.

“The reality is that despite the ban on okada which has increased poverty, and likely will give birth to more criminals. Despite the ban on keke napep where people are given specific time which will increase more poverty and criminals, bandits are still having a field day.

“Can we just seat down and really find a way to deal with this bandits than all these trial and errors we’re doing. We’re only inflicting pains on the citizens and nothing more.

*We gave them the benefit of doubt to see this thing. We’re almost three weeks now, there’s no improvement.

“Infact as I speak to you the bandits are having a field day. In one community; last two Sundays they went to one area of the community and took 20 people, 19 others in another area and 7 people in another area, making 46 in a day.

“As I speak to you now those people are not back, about 10 days now. Even yesterday a call came to me from that area that they were even gathering money to reach out to the Bandits.

The next thing the bandits did is that they came to the community, went into some of the houses and stole all the money, even though they didn’t kidnap anybody this time.

“These things happened in Gwagwada somewhere here in Chikun local government area of Kaduna state. So what are we talking about, and so who are you really pursuing.

So this pain is just being inflicted on the people.

“So, I think we should just really seat down and find a humane way of addressing these things, because we’re not trying things that will work, but things that will show our migth.

“Doing things that’ll show our migth won’t give us results. But If it’s for you to find solution, you’ll find it.

On regulating preaching, he said churches cannot be regulated adding “The reason for this religious bill is that they bring it so that when we talk, they gain popularity, because anytime they bring controversial issue, and we respond, it’ll just make them famous.

“But this one they’re failing because Kaduna people are crying. In this town today, businesses are not working, people are starving.

As much as they can’t buy; I use to say it with all sense of responsibility in other not to insult anyone of you. You can tell every story but the truth of what people are feeling in their stomach and in their homes is what matters in Kaduna not what any media have got to say.

“Kaduna people are suffering and Government seems not to find solution to their suffering, but is playing games, trying to create tension unnecessarily with religious bill or regulatory bill, is something else.

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