
Kalu: A Man Trapped In the Flame of His Own Hubris

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By Adebiyi Omotosho Dan

“I have known you to exhume boldness, which is often misconstrued as excessive arrogance but not this type of pugnacious instability……
…..your open vituperation and remarks against our Governor, Labour Party, and Abia State was very condescending, denigrating, and disrespectful in every sense of the word,” …..What a brazen and uncontrolled outpouring of emotional fury” —Rep Obi Aguocha to Benjamin Kalu.

In one of my recent articles about Benjamin Kalu, I succinctly expressed concern about the Deputy Speaker’s pride, arrogance and his rise to power, fueled by cunning and opportunistic tactics. Having unexpectedly found himself in a position of power, he seemed to forget his humble beginnings. I likened him to an individual who, was served an unexpected fine wine at a gathering, while he proceeded to drink it without caution, even if it were mixed with mud.

My article drew a picture of the venerable Greek sage about excessive pride as the most grievous sin and one that precipitates a catastrophic end. This ancient wisdom of Aristotle had long warned of the destructive power of hubris, a flaw that has brought low many a mighty leader and celebrated heroes. This subtle yet deadly trap, can entangle even the most well-intentioned among us, underscoring the need for humility and self-awareness. This is Kalu’s greatest undoing.

Consider the story of Icarus, who flew too close to the sun with wings made of wax. His hubris led him to ignore warnings and crash to his demise. Similarly, the myth of Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection, the end was one of regret.

It is barely two months after that article, Benjamin Kalu has found himself in the headlines once more, and unsurprisingly, it is due to another controversy sparked by his own hubris.

I have carefully analysed the backlash from the people of the South East against Benjamin Kalu over the past week, and it unmistakably reveals that he has recklessly trampled on sacred ground, provoking a chorus of outrage and indignation. However, it takes a discerning mind to grasp the far-reaching implications of Honourable Obi Aguochi’s statements on Benjamin Kalu’s reputation. I hope Kalu’s team will take the time to thoroughly examine the concerns raised about him in recent weeks and use the feedbacks to refine the Deputy Speaker, first as a person, and secondly, his political strategy and the way and manner he conducts and expresses himself on sensitive national issues.

Though Kalu and his team may not realise it now that, the only string keeping Kalu afloat is the position he holds, and that with each careless utterance, that string frays further. The explanation lies in his unbridled arrogance, which steadily erodes the fragile grip he maintains on power.

I recalled few days after my article, I had the misfortune of reading a rebuttal from one Levinus Nwabughiogu, an overzealous aide to Benjamin Kalu, who tried effortlessly, deploying antiquated vocabulary, attempting to defend his boss. Regrettably, his efforts only served to confuse his readers and even Kalu himself. Thanks to his convoluted reasoning. Nwabughiogu’s writing style left many in doubt about his journalistic credentials, then again, raised eyebrows about his principal’s academic credentials. Journalists are expected to pass message, not to stire confusion. In a well coordinated setting, Nwabughiogu would have been shown the way out with any face-saving- reason due to his subpar writing craft. However, it is unlikely that this will happen, given that his employer, Kalu, also lacks the quality of tactfulness.

Like Kalu, rather than looking at the implications, and making necessary adjustments, his media team, launched a counterattack on journalists and opinion makers who had pointed out their shortcomings. This is a common pitfall among public relations managers in Nigeria, who focus on maintaining a facade of perfection rather than effectively managing crises and improving reputation damage.

Now, the chickens have come home to roost and Kalu’s propaganda apparatus has been left speechless in a deeply embarrassing manner. Benjamin Kalu has consistently proven himself to be an embodiment of hubris and arrogance. Now, he has not only overstepped boundaries but has also unleashed a verbal tirade against an entire state and the South East region, employing inflammatory language that has deeply offended the people’s sensibilities.

Moving forward to the current situation, a viral video last week surfaced online, and it quickly gaining widespread attention. It was an interview granted by Kalu to a local TV station. In the interview, Kalu made bold claims about ousting the Labour Party led Governor Alex Otti and taking control of the state. He further asserted that, as the sixth most senior citizen in the country, Abia State cannot be governed by the Labour Party. Even as Kalu admitted in the interview that Dr. Alex Otti is a friend who has made laudable strides for the people, he insisted that he has a partisan duty to his party, the APC, and President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to deliver Abia State, a Labour Party stronghold, to the APC fold as a quid pro quo for the President’s political largesse to the Southeast, including the passage of the Southeast Development Commission Act.

I am unsure of the message Kalu intended to convey with such reckless commentary. Nevertheless, this turn of events has validated earlier warnings to Governor Otti to be cautious of Kalu’s intentions; when engaging with him, keeping his guard up and using a long spoon to dine with him.

Kalu has seemingly become disconnected from the real world, perhaps, he is overwhelmed by the trappings of power and the elevated status he now enjoys: power has gone to his head.

Alex Otti was democratically elected by the people and has already demonstrated his ability to improve Abia’s reputation beyond its former state. Kalu viral and offensive comments have left many wondering if he was employing a veiled tactic to strong-arm the governor into joining the APC, or risk being forcefully removed by any means possible from power in 2027, deploying the party’s formidable federal machinery.

The South East has a rich history of producing leaders who have distinguished themselves and made significant contributions at the national level. None of them has ever exploited their position to exploit or bully their own people, merely to curry favour with their political party or the president in power. Kalu would do well to remember that he is not the first to hold his current position. He should draw inspiration from the likes of the late Evan Enwerem, late Chuba Okadigbo, Anyim Pius, Adolphus Wabara, Ken Nnamani, Ike Ekweremadu, and Emeka Ihedioha, all of whom have held prominent roles such as Senate President, Deputy Senate President, and Secretary to the Government of the Federation. None of these leaders ever used their power to intimidate or threaten their own states or the entire South East region, simply to prove a point to the president.

Just recently, when President Tinubu signed the South East Development Commission bill into law, it presented Kalu yet another opportunity to grandstand as he typically does, disregarding the fact that the bill had undergone numerous transformations and contributions from multiple lawmakers across various assemblies, from the 5th to the 10th. Instead of acknowledging the collective efforts of all South East lawmakers, past and present, who played a crucial role in shaping this bill, even before Kalu’s tenure as a lawmaker, he chose to claim sole credit for its passage. This part of the episode about Kalu explains in better terms his propensity for self-aggrandizement, manipulation, and exploitation, which has become the hallmark of his persona. This was opposite of what the Speaker, Abass did after the signing of a similar bill for the North East.

What manner of a man is Kalu? Does he realise that the South East can no longer subsist on handouts from other regions? The people have endured years of marginalisation and are now beyond reveling in the fact that one of their own, Benjamin Kalu, holds the sixth position. It is time for Kalu and others like him to shift their focus to a more pressing concern: advocating for the presidency to be zoned to the South East. This is the kind of aspiration that responsible individuals from the region should be championing, rather than gloating over a token position bestowed upon a boastful figure like Kalu. A hint to the wise is sufficient!


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