
Kogi Guber: Dr. Ohiare Promise To Influence The Revitalisation Of Ajaokuta Steel Coy In Kogi

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From Noah Ocheni, Lokoja

A frontline Kogi state Governorship àspirant from the central senatorial district, Dr. Sanusi Ohiare on Wednesday in Lokoja promised to influence the revitalisation of Ajaokuta steel company in the state.

Dr .Ohiare who is the former Executive Director, Rural Electrification Agency, made the promise on Wednesday at the NUJ media Parley for the Kogi state governorship election, coming up later in the year.

He pointed out that Kogi is naturally blessed with resources stressing that if given the opportunity to govern, he will use all available avenues to woo investors to industrialize the state.

The aspirant assured the people of the state and Nigeria at large that what Ajaokuta need to kick-start is the political will, promising to use his wealth of experience to influence the revitalisation of the Aja-steel company so as to create job opportunities for the teeming youths in the labour market.

Dr. Ohiare therefore appealed to the delegates to vote for a youth with capacity and competencies with tract records of previous assignments to sustain the gains the party has recorded in the state.

He noted that as a youth with relevant experience and education and wide networks across the globe, he remains the best candidate that will reinvigorate the APC and Kogi state, stressing that the last election outcome has thrown up challenges for the party to heed to.

He added that the youths across the state have reiterated their support for one of their own who will be empathic to their challenges and have formed a chorus to re-enact the last elections voting pattern in the state.

“We must as a Party put sentiments aside and go for a candidate that has the appeal of the Youths , women and indeed all the electorates.”

My assignment at the REA has brought me closer to the youths and the rural dwellers. As one of their own, I know their pains and I’m adequately positioned to change the narrative. There is no communities across Kogi that does not have our signature tune. I’m conversant with their burden and we worked to solve their energy needs.”

” We supply rural electrification to most hard to reach areas in the state. We have provided solar power infrastructures, we are connecting some communities in the east who have suffered epileptic power supply to national grid.”

Earlier, the Chairman kogi state council of NUJ, Alhaji Adeiza Momohjimoh appreciated the aspirant for his appearance at the parley to showcase his enormous people’s oriented programmes for the state.

He promised the aspirant of the readiness of the state NUJ to partner with him to enable him achieve his lofty objectives when given the opportunity.

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