Lenten: Muslims, Christians strengthen relation in Kaduna

A large number of  Muslims in Kaduna stormed Pastor Yohanna Buru house with the aims of joining their Christian counterparts to break the lent fast in a bid to strengthen peaceful coexistence, religious tolerance and better understanding among the different faith-based organization. Speaking at the organized event, Pastor Yohanna Buru, the General Overseer of Christ Evangelical Intercessory and Life Intervention Ministry, Sabon Tashan, Kaduna state northwestern Nigeria, said it was aimed at promoting peacebuilding, interreligious dialogue,  and understanding among the multi-religious organization.

Buru reiterated the need for religion harmony in the state in order to poster peace and economy status of the state He thanked Muslims for honouring the invitation to breakfast together and called on the media to always strive harder to promote peace related course within and outside the state the state so that efforts of good people and government could be appreciated “We must always remember that inter-religious dialogue is gaining momentum and importance at both national and international levels, ” “Inter-religious dialogue is perhaps more important in Nigeria than anywhere else, simply because Nigeria is the most populous country in the African continent, and it is moreover, a pluralistic and multi-religious society, which is mainly dominated by Islam and Christianity”

“We must learn to forgive each other in places Christians and Muslims hurts each other to live in peace and unity.” The Christian clerics added  “For peace and understanding to be achieved, Muslims and Christians have to join hands and be their brothers’ keepers as that is the only way to salvage the country, but when the two major religions are at war with each other, no meaningful development can be achieved. He noted that  the aim of inviting the Muslims to break the fast with Christians is to promote peace and understanding among different faith organization with a view to addressing some religious misunderstandings between the two religions,” The significance of the Lent, including Ash Wednesday, was in reminding Christian faithful that they were made up of dust and that unto dust they must return, and hence should fast, pray, and forgive. “We must remember that we are from one family under God *Adams and eve*, and we both worship one God, believing in both Qur’an and Bible” Addressing the gathering, also  Mallam Rilwanu Abdullahi, the national chairman of Beyond the border of disability in Nigeria said they are here to join Christians in breaking fast with the aims of promoting unity among Good citizens of Nigeria Rilwani used the opportunity to call on the people of the state to embrace peaceful co-existence without been based on religion ground. He said, God has already joined us together and not by ours serves, it is therefore important to fear God and put away malicious intentions because it will not take us anywhere. Mallam Gamo Abdullahi is one the Barnawa youth leader in Kaduna state that represented his group to the breakfast He emphases on the importance of forgiveness among multi-religious organization while stressing on dialoguing as the way to end  crisis bedevilling peace stability in the state Evangelist  Jonathan  called on more Christians to used the lent period for peace stability in the country While appealing the wealthy individuals to support the needy at this period, so as to enabled have enough food throughout the lent season In her own message Hajiya Ramatu Tijjani, an interfaith specialist in Nigeria has called on Christians all over the planet to used the 40 days fasting in praying for peace While emphasizing on Tolerance between Muslims and Christians, she also calls for the creation of institutes of comparative studies, so as to enabled citizens to learn to accommodate with anyone irrespective of his tribe, religion, culture.