Let’s toast; another Chinese company has kiss the dust!

By Dr. Austin Maho

This is the context in which I see recent news report associated with Inner Galaxy a Chinese company based in Abia state.

The Iron and steel company is accused of unfair labour practices, staff maltreatment etc.

As a journalist and journalism teacher I am appalled that the story was considered news worthy in the first place and the speed with which the Abia state government launched an investigation based on the story . I am however not surprise, it is a season of Chinese bashing and everything that demonizes the Chinese and its interest is news worthy.

Now let’s look at the essential ingredients of the story vis a vis the time tested ethics of the profession.

The story emanated from the social media account of an individual who made all sorts of allegations against the company including torture, inhuman working environment, low pay etc.

The story as narrated by this individual was the basis of the news report and all the reactions it generated.

Accuracy, verification, fairness balance are considered some of the hallmarks of journalism. Before going to town did the media house considered it expidient to verify the story or confirm the story from another source.

That the narration of one individual on his social media account was enough for a news media to form the basis of a news report is scary. It means anybody can make allegations on his social media wall and hope to get media traction.

Secondly where was fairness and balance when allegations were made and the person on the other end of the spectrum was not given the opportunity to respond by the media outlet?

In all the accounts of the story I have not read where the Chinese company was given the opportunity for a right of response to the allegations. It’s a one sided narration which goes against the core ethics and values of journalism.

Now to the allegations proper.
Is it possible in this age and time that a company worker is brutalized and flogged by Policemen and military personnel attached to the company because they failed to call their superiors masters and mistresses?

The company in question has been operating in Abia for several years without problems, why is this coming up now?

For a company that employs over a 1000 people shouldn’t the people show gratitude that 1000 unemployed youths have been taken off the streets instead of whining about low pay?

How much do the state government pay its civil servants?

How much do the FG pay Npower beneficiaries of which over 5million Nigerian youths recently applied for jobs that were only available for less than half a million?

The NBS in its latest release put youth unemployment in the country at 27%. This figure is just a tip of the iceberg but here we are demonizing the few companies taking our youths off the streets.

I equally found it worrisome that a House of Rep member based on the news report jumped into the fray, called a news conference to castigated the Chinese company, echoing the news report without doing his own investigation.

I have carefully gone through the social media account of the poster including the video he called exclusive, and I have not seen anything news worthy in his narrative or exclusive.

The report only feed the pleasure palettes and the wild imagination of those who feel that the Chinese are the global bogeymen with a sinister agenda.

This is a company that has done so much in terms of corporate social responsibility in the host community through provision of pipe borne water, roads, classroom blocks and a host of others. At the height of the pandemic and lockdown the company provided palliatives to members of its host community and the state government. Today the company is an oppressive demon.

It is good that the Abia state government has set up an investigative panel to look into the matter. I believe it is the right way to go. I also hope the panel will do a thorough job in the interest of Abia and Nigeria in general and not fall into the global conspiracy against the Chinese.