National ALGON Crisis: Illegality Of Alabi Kolade Led NEC And Odunayo Ategbero Led BOT


It is with dismay that I and other States ALGON Chairmen received the news of my purported removal as the National Legal Adviser by the so called Alabi Kolade led National Executive Council which has been declared illegal by the High court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja on suit no: FCT/HC/CV/1823/2021.

In July 2021,Some States ALGON Chairmen met and resolved that Hon. Kolade Alabi being a Chairman of a Local Development Council Area (LCDA) in Lagos State is not one of the Chairmen of the 774 Local Government Area recognized by the constitution of both the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the ALGON,and can not lead as the President of ALGON.

The Chairmen then resolved and set up an Interim Management Commitee to be headed by ALGON Chairman of Niger State,Hon. Abdullahi S. Maje to pilot the affairs of ALGON and conduct credible election within the period of six months to redeem the image of the National ALGON.

In the judgement of Hon. Justice H. Muazu of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja,signed on the 6th August,2021,an injunction was granted for the Interim Management Commitee (IMC) of the Association of Local Government of Nigeria (ALGON) as well as their officers and staff of the National Headquarters to hold forth pending the hearing and determination of the motion on notice.

Based on the judgement, The National Executive Council (NEC) which I was a member as National Legal Adviser headed by Alabi Kolade David and Board of Trustees (BOT) headed by Odunayo Ategbero is unconstitutional, illegal and therefore dissolved in adherence to the court order of 5th August,2021.  Which further determines the motion on notice of an order of Interim injunction granted restraining Alabi Kolade led Executive Commitee,or any other agencies or organs of the Federal Government of Nigeria from in any way whatsoever arresting, harassing, intimidating or violating the rights of Interim Management Commitee (IMC),agents, employees and surbordinates at the behest of the dissolved National Executive Council led by Alabi Kolade and the dissolved BOT led by Odunayo Ategbero in violating of the order of the court.

And also an order of Interim injunction was also granted restraining the dissolved NEC and dissolved BOT, their agents,assigns,privies, servants, employees, whosoever or howsoever described from interfering in any way with the activities of the IMC of the Association of Local Government of Nigeria (ALGON) as well as their agents and staff at the National Headquarters.

Based on the aformentioned legal pronouncement as former National Legal Adviser who is law abiding, saddled with the responsibility of advising and guiding on legal matters,the court orders must be strictly and stringently obeyed.

The purported Alabi Kolade led factional Executive Commitee which was characterized by fraudulent activities even as an illegal occupant of the seat. Alabi Kolade is adjudged and considered not to be fit for the seat and consequently sacked by the court order.

I want to clearly state that the purported BOT/ Illegal Kolade led factional Executive commitee have no locus standi to remove me as former Legal Adviser.

As the former custodian of legal issues of the association, I have adviced that based on the court order,the NEC and BOT stand dissolved, some have accepted but Alabi Kolade of NEC and Odunayo Ategbero of BOT are Machiavellios

and showing deprecable gambit of lawlessness and act of brigandage with a view to violating the court order.

I however call on all ALGON Chairmen to give their maximum support to the (IMC) towards conducting a credible election that will usher in new Executive Council and rebuild the image of the association.

I thank the States ALGON Chairmen who are giving their unflinching supports towards realising a better image for the Association.

I also call on the Federal Government, Forum of Governors, Attorney General of the federation,IGP,DSS and all agencies of the Federal Government to restrict the impostors and their agents from parading themselves as the NEC and BOT in other to obey the court order and stop the mockery of the judiciary.