
NCC Explains Fast Data Exhaustion Among Nigerians

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The Consumer Affairs Bureau of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has clarified the reasons behind the rapid data depletion experienced by Nigerian mobile telecommunications subscribers. This follows complaints from users accusing service providers like MTN, Airtel, Globacom, and 9mobile of draining their data excessively.

In an official statement on its website, the NCC outlined several factors contributing to fast data exhaustion:

1. **Excessive Usage**: High data consumption activities such as streaming videos or music, downloading large files, or using data-intensive apps for extended periods can quickly deplete data limits.

2. **Background Apps**: Some apps continue to consume data even when not actively in use. Background data usage can significantly add up, depleting data allowances.

3. **Automatic Updates**: Updates for apps, operating systems, and other software can consume a large amount of data if set to download automatically.

4. **Location Services**: GPS and other location-based services can use substantial data, especially when using navigation apps like Google Maps.

5. **Advertisements**: Many apps display ads that consume data, even without user interaction.

6. **Roaming**: Using mobile phones abroad can incur data roaming charges, quickly depleting data allowances.

7. **Malware**: Malware and viruses can use data without user knowledge. It’s important to remove any suspected malware promptly to prevent data loss.

The NCC also provided tips to help subscribers manage their data usage more effectively:

– **Disable Location Services**: For specific apps, disabling location services can save significant data.
– **Install Ad-Blockers**: To prevent data consumption from unsolicited advertisements.
– **Use Wi-Fi**: Whenever possible, connect to Wi-Fi at home, work, or public places like cafes or libraries to avoid using cellular data.
– **Upgrade Data Plans**: For those who frequently run out of data, considering an upgrade to a larger data plan may be beneficial.

These steps aim to help subscribers manage their data usage more effectively and reduce the instances of rapid data depletion.

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