
NCPC to flag off 2021 Abuja main Pilgrimage mid June

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By Joyce Remi-Babayeju

The Executive Secretary Nigerian Christian Pilgrim Commission, Rev. Dr Yakubu Pam has said that the Commission is set to flag -off the 2021 main pilgrimage exercise to Jordan and Israel in Abuja on 15th June, 2022.

In a press release signed the media head of the Commission, Celestine Toruka, the NCPC boss made this known in Abuja on 6th June, 2022 vis a virtual meeting with States Pilgrimage Leaders and Managers.

He said, “the inaugural flight will airlift the first batch of 360 intending pilgrims from FCT, Bayelsa and essential service providers such as the Medical personnel, Consulars among others.”

He further disclosed that the airlift of the second batch of the pilgrimage exercise would be on 24th June, 2022 in Abuja and would comprise FCT, Bauchi and Nassarawa State contingents.

He further hinted that the 2021 main pilgrimage route would go through Nigeria, Jordan, Israel and back to Nigeria.

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