
Nnamdi Kanu’s Family Authenticates His Handwritten Letter Ending Sit-At-Home Protests

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By Daniel Edu

The family of Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), has verified the genuineness of a handwritten letter purportedly authored by Kanu himself. The letter, calling for an end to all “sit-at-home” protests in the southeast, was presented to the public by Kanu’s Special Counsel, Aloy Ejimakor, during a press conference. However, Simon Ekpa, who claims to be the Prime Minister of Biafra, has refuted the claim, asserting that the letter did not come from Kanu.

The confirmation from Kanu’s family adds to the ongoing conflicts within the IPOB’s leadership, amid rising tension in the regions they represent. The verification brings some clarity amidst uncertainties surrounding Kanu’s imprisonment and the civil unrest that followed.

Kanu’s younger brother, Prince Emma Kanu, has also affirmed the authenticity of the letter, stating that it was, indeed, written by the IPOB leader during his detention at the DSS.

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