
Obasanjo advocates dialogue to resolve conflicts in Africa

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Former President Olusegun Obasanjo emphasized the importance of dialogue over violence in resolving conflicts in Africa during a youth leadership symposium held at the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library in Abeokuta.

Here are the key points from his speech:

1. Obasanjo stressed the need for a culture of peace and security among African youth, highlighting love, tolerance, and dialogue as essential components for conflict prevention.

2. He urged youths to oppose conflicts and embrace peace, emphasizing that they are not just leaders of tomorrow but leaders of today.

3. Drawing from biblical examples like Esther and Joseph, Obasanjo highlighted the role of youths in securing peace and resolving conflicts.

4. He condemned the act of suicide, emphasizing the importance of confronting challenges and seeking divine intervention rather than resorting to drastic measures.

5. Obasanjo suggested reaching out to countries like Zimbabwe for lessons on overcoming economic challenges, highlighting the importance of learning from past experiences.

6. The former president’s remarks come amid ongoing regional tensions and conflicts across Africa, underscoring the need for proactive peace-building efforts.

7. Prof. Peter Okebukola, the coordinator of the symposium, emphasized the significance of youth involvement in achieving peace, advocating for inclusive policies and international collaboration to empower young people as catalysts for positive change.

In summary, Obasanjo’s address underscored the importance of promoting a culture of peace, dialogue, and youth engagement to address conflicts and foster sustainable development in Africa.

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