
Once Again, Bandits Abduct Two Students from Gusau University

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In another distressing incident, bandits carried out the abduction of two students from the Federal University Gusau in Zamfara State late on Saturday night.

The victims, one male and one female, were forcibly taken from their off-campus accommodation in the Sabon Garin Damba area of Gusau, which is situated a few kilometers away from the university’s permanent site. The incident occurred at approximately 9 pm.

According to an eyewitness, security personnel responded to the situation by discharging several gunshots in an attempt to deter the bandits. However, the perpetrators managed to successfully abduct the two students, despite the efforts made by the security forces.

Reports from residents indicate that the bandits initiated the attack on the community shortly after 8 pm. During their assault, they indiscriminately fired their weapons, creating a climate of fear and anxiety among the residents. Security personnel reacted by returning fire in an effort to repel the assailants, but the bandits ultimately succeeded in kidnapping the students.

A concerned resident, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to security concerns, informed Channels TV that a joint team comprising both police and military personnel was actively engaged in pursuing the bandits.

Efforts to reach the spokesperson for the state police command, ASP Yazid Abubakar, proved futile as he was unavailable to answer phone calls at the time of reporting.

More information will be provided as it becomes available.

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