Tragedy struck aboard the Abuja-Kaduna train route as a police escort, tasked with ensuring security, reportedly passed away while on duty, conveying passengers from Kaduna to Abuja on Thursday.
According to a source familiar with the incident, the officer complained of chest pain during the journey before succumbing to the ailment.
The source disclosed that despite efforts by a passenger, identified as a doctor, to provide medical assistance, the police officer tragically passed away before any intervention could take place.
“There was no emergency medical care available on the train. Unfortunately, by the time a doctor, who happened to be a passenger, arrived to help, it was too late,” the source said.
Shortly after the train reached its destination in Abuja, a police team arrived at the station to retrieve the officer’s body for transportation to an undisclosed location.
Efforts to obtain an official response from the Nigeria Railway Corporation, through spokesperson Mahmud Yakubu, were unsuccessful as no response was received despite repeated attempts to contact him.
Similarly, attempts to reach the Force Public Relations Officer, Olumuyiwa Adejobi, were unsuccessful as calls and messages went unanswered at the time of filing this report.