Proper Upbringing of Children, Antidote to Insecurity in the Society – Onye

From Noah Ocheni, Lokoja

The General overseer of the Peace of God outreach ministry,  Evangelist Abraham Onye over the weekend in Lokoja said proper upbringing of children is an antidote to insecurity in the society.

Evangelist Onye made the remarks at the 2022 Men’s Day celebration of the Christian Evangelical Fellowship of Nigeria, (CEFN) Zonal Headquarters church, Lokoja over the weekend.

He pointed out that deviation from God’s paths is the major causes of Nigeria’s present predicament prophecing that, with good leadership in the offing, Nigeria will be economically great and revive it’s past glory in the near future.

This year’s Men’s Day which has ‘Effective Parenting, Pathway to Celebrating God’s Goodness’ as it’s theme gingered the guest speaker to pray unto God to equip parents with wisdom and resources to ensure proper upbringing of their children.

On some abandoned federal projects in Kogi State, Evangelist Abraham Onye attributed the non completion of Ajaokuta steel company in the State to lack of political will of the past and present governments.

Evangelist Abraham pointed out that Kogi state is naturally blessed with resources that could sustain the state without waiting for federal allocations but illegal tapping of such resources has forestalled the growth of Kogi economy.

Earlier in his address, the Chairman of the Fellowship, Mr. Noah Ocheni (JP) enjoined parents to be watchful of their children’s peer groups and other associations that could lead them to social vices.

While advising children to always obey their parents if they must inherit the kingdom of God, Ocheni stressed the need for parents to be prayerful for God to enhance their financial base to meet their children’s responsibilities.

He therefore appreciated the guest speaker, church council, various activity groups, the planning committee and members of the Men’s Fellowship for their cooperations throughout the two-day period of successful events.