
Protests Erupt in Nasarawa Following Supreme Court’s Verdict on Governorship Election

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This afternoon in Lafia, the Nasarawa State capital, a group of elderly women, including widows, staged a protest expressing their dissatisfaction with the Supreme Court’s judgment that affirmed the election of Governor Abdullahi Sule of the All Progressives Congress.

The governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, David Ombugadu, had contested Sule’s 2023 election victory, leading to the state election petition tribunal initially nullifying the governor’s election and declaring Ombugadu as the winner.

However, the appeal court reinstated Sule, emphasizing that the tribunal had erroneously relied on the evidence of eight PDP witnesses, whose statements were not presented alongside the petition.

At the Supreme Court, Justice Kudirat Kekere-Ekun held that the appeal lacked merit. Subsequently, various women groups staged protests in the state capital, leading to road blockades, including the busy Lafia-Jos Road. Motorists had to navigate alternative routes to exit Lafia.

In an interview, an automobile mechanic in Lafia, identified as Dogo Audu, called for additional security presence to restore calm. The protests also prompted the closure of shops, business centers, and schools within the state capital.

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