Puerto Rico Gov. to resign after protests

Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló is expected to resign Wednesday after more than a week of protests that rocked the island’s capital city, a source familiar with the situation told CNN.

Thousands have jammed the streets of San Juan calling for the governor’s resignation after Puerto Rico’s Center for Investigative Journalism published a series of group messages between the governor and his inner circle that included homophobic and misogynistic language and jokes about Hurricane Maria victims.
Demonstrators were determined to stay on the streets until Rosselló stepped down, fed up with years of government corruption, high poverty rates, crushing debt and a painfully slow recovery since the 2017 disaster.
Overnight Wednesday, an energetic crowd filled the streets outside the governor’s mansion waving flags and banners after news of the governor’s anticipated announcement broke.
The person expected to take Rosselló’s place is Puerto Rico Secretary of Justice Wanda Vazquez.