Radio Programme in English Language commences Tuesday in Abia

By Okechukwu Keshi Ukegbu

The radio programme in English Language will commence Tuesday 10th August. The programme is scheduled to be aired by Tuesdays 4.30 pm and Saturdays 5.30 pm for the next three months.
It will be recalled that the programme was inaugurated in Abia recently.

The programme is anchored by National Mass Education Education Commission (NMEC, Abuja in conjunction with Abia State Agency for Mass Literacy Adult and non- formal Education.

Also, radio sets have been donated to 300 learners from Isialangwa North, Isiukwuato, Obingwa, Ohafia, Ukwa West and Umuahia North local government areas.Other interested learners are directed, according to the Executive Director Abia State Agency for Mass Literacy Adult and non- formal Education, Douglas Nwaorji to tune in to state radio station,BCA to benefit from the programme.

The programme is tailored towards reaching all those who cannot benefit from the formal school system through radio programmes.

The affected groups are the vulnerable, out-of- school youths, children on the streets, victims of teenage motherhood, nomadic and illiterate persons, and people dwelling in the hinterland.