Reps summon Environment Ministry, others over impending Earthquakes

By Kassim Omomia

Earth tremors recently witnessed in the country particularly in Abuja the nations capital has called for concern following which the House of Representatives has summoned the environment Ministry and other critical agencies to forestall the natural disaster.

The lawmakers in a motion today, brought for their consideration by honorable Johnson Oghuma, mandated the committee on Environment to interface with relevant departments of the Federal ministry of Environment , Agencies and other relevant parastatals so as to monitor the level of global compliance and standards in blasting ,mining ams borehole drilling in the country which has been identified by experts to be the imminent cause of the movement.

They noted that it was important to curb the imminent catastrophe, which is a form of seismic movement within the earth that has been experienced twice in the federal capital territory in the months of September and October respectively.

According to the lawmakers, the occurrences which was noticed in Mpape and Maitama axis of Abuja has raised fears of imminent Earthquakes if preventive measure are not taken.

Sponsor of the motion, Honorable Oghuma during debate on the general principles, explained that some federal government agencies, had reported that communities in four States including Abuja were likely to witness earthquakes if necessary preventive and monitoring devices are not taken .

For instance he revealed that the Federal capital territory emergency management Agency, had announced that the FCT incidences was as a result of stress in underground rocks resulting from human activities, chief among which are blasting and mining of rocks.

The motion received a unanimous support following which the Environment committee of the House was asked to report its findings within 6 weeks for further legislative action.