
Restraining Of Kano Government To Use L.G’s Funds A Welcoming Idea-Sarkin Yaki.

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An ex-lawmaker and current affairs commentator, Alhaji Muhammad Sarkin Yaki stressed that the recent court order halting Kano state government to use local council’s funds in the construction of some flyovers in kano metropolitan is a welcome verdict.

He disclosed this in an interview with newsmen in Kano, adding that it is an injustice for a state governor to take local governments money for projects executions leaving the local councils stranded without any capital projects in their respective domains.

Sarkin Yaki lamented that what kano state governor Abba Kabir intended to do is unconstitutional because the issue of joint accounts between states and local government councils has brought backwards to the local councils projects execution which is unfair.

” I condemn the issue of joints accounts and it is pure injustice to the local governments especially at present when the democracy is getting more success in Nigeria, and I commended the 44 local government councils for reporting the matter to court which is constitutional and better”.

In conclusion, Muhammad Sarkin Yaki called on president Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the Nigeria’s parliament to bring to an end to joint accounts which becomes a challenge to the development of local government areas which remained very close to the general public.


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