
Rev. Pam eulogizes late mother as devoted Godly Christian

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By Joyce Remi- Babayeju

The Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Christian Pilgrim Commission, NCPC, Rev. Dr. Yakubu Pam has eulogized his late mother, Madam Ngo Zimi Pam as “a devoted Christian, a woman that loves God”.

Pam said this today in Abuja while playing host to the President of Onyebuchi Chris Ifediora Foundation International, Prof. Onyebuchi Chris Ifediora who paid him a condolence visit to commiserate with him over the loss of his mother on 15th January, 2022.

In a pres release signed by Celestine Toruka, Head, Media & Public Relations Unit, the NCPC boss thanked God that his mother died at a ripe age of 97.
His said, , “We appreciate God that she lived up to old age of 97 and this is not a joke”. To this end, he described her death as “a celebration of life.”

He thanked the President and his team for coming to comfort him at a time like this over the demise of his mother,

The release read, The NCPC Chief Executive, “what God has done no one can question him. He intimated his guest that the family had fixed the burial of his late mother on 19th February, 2022 at Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State.

President of OCI Foundation International, Prof. Onyebuchi Ifediora said in his condolence message that he was deeply saddened by the death of his mother.

He assured the NCPC Boss that they are mourning with him in this moment of his bereavement. He further assured.

The President of OCI foundation was accompanied on the condolence visit by the founder of Sweet Home Africa, Rev. Austin Epunam who is also the National Champion OCI foundation.

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