
SBV Survivor, Mother of 5 cries out for protection from abusive husband

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… as AWTR gives protection, succour

By Joyce Remi-Babayeju

A survivor of Domestic Violence, and mother of five, Mrs. Amina Mohammed( not real name) has cried out for adequate protection for her and her children from her abusive husband.

Amina who hails from Kogi State reported to an NGO, Association of Wives of Traditional Rulers ÀWTR, that the father of her five children, Mr Abdulrazak a native of Ogun State often times abuse her and the children.

Amina said that her husband, Abdulrazak a mechanic was in the habit of meting out multiple abuses on her.

She has charged Abdulrazak , a mechanic who never married her after co- habiting for 13 years with attempt to commit culpable homicide, economic abuse, emotional and psychological abuse among others.

Amina reported to AWTR that the abuse started after the birth of their second child. She said, ” Abdulrazak became hostile to her steadily beating her up. Over the years, anytime the beating becomes unbearable she sooth for intervention.”
Amina is a tailor, who resides in Piwoye community in Abuja with Mr. Abdulrazak reported via the AWTR hotline her case of Domestic violence after seeking other avenues to put a stop to the constant abuse.

She said, ” I reported to The Family of the Mr. Abdulrazak, l reported to a nearby Church in Piwoye community also to a Radio Program, yet the abuse continued.”

Amina narrated that another trouble started when the owner of a shop she rented a shop for her tailoring business on December 24, 2021, the called her husband to request for the payment of the rent which was due but Mr. Abdulrazak was provoked by the request of a shop owner for rent and resorted to venting the anger on her .

She was beaten up by Abdulrazak who also threatened to kill her with a tailoring scissors after which she was forced out of their home wit her children.

Amina alleged that Abdulrazak would often trail her to her to her new shop which she borrowed money to rent to verbally abuse her, calling her indecent names, ceased her property, collecting her sales money, and smashing her phones.

Left with no other option, Hajia. Amina reported to the Police station. The Police began Warning Mr. Abdulrazak and asked him to stop the violence.
Also a witness, stated that she saw the perpetrator threatening the victim that he was going to burn down the shop and kill her and the children. He said he wants to die with his family.

Mr. Abdulrazak is currently on the run from the Police station but he comes to her shop to threaten and beat her occasionally.

Association of Wives of Traditional Rulers, AWTR have stepped have intervened to protect and give succour to embattled Amina and her five children.

Chief Project Coordinator of AWTR, Ambassador Hannatu Usman Nga Kupi said the NGO, has intervened to ensure no protect the life of Amina from Abdulrazek’s threats.

Ambassador Nga Kupi said that for now but they are faced with some constraints because the warring couples were never legally, religiously, and culturally married. They simply did an introduction and began to leave together. Making it hard for the court to call for separation.

Meanwhile, AWTR has since referred the Amina’s case to the Garki Chief while the community leader in Piwoyi has since invited the Abdulrazak the perpetrator.
We are still awaiting a feedback, Nga Kupi said.


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