
“Sela Vie Makes Striking Debut with ‘Chasing The Paper’ and ‘Money'”

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By Milcah Tanimu

Singer Sela Vie, known for her soulful voice and impactful collaborations, steps into the spotlight with her debut as a solo artist. The two new tracks, “Chasing The Paper” and “Money,” showcase her profound vocals and storytelling prowess. In “Chasing The Paper,” she explores themes of personal struggle with depression, delivering emotive lyrics against a backdrop of sweeping acoustics. The second track, “Money,” delves into the narrative of unrequited love and Sela Vie’s unwavering focus on financial pursuits. Both songs mark the beginning of Sela Vie’s solo journey, promising a unique artistic identity.

#SelaVie #DebutTracks #ChasingThePaper #Money #NewMusic

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