
Sen Joel-Onowakpo commends Gov Oborevwori’s broad-mindedness to opposition

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By Anne Azuka

The Senator representing Delta South Senatorial District at the National Assembly, Senator Joel-Onowakpo Thomas has commended Governor Sheriff Oborevwori for his broad-minded approach in relating to the opposition.

Senator Joel-Onowakpo applauded the governor for taking inspiration from President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, who appointed opposition party member Nyesom Wike as a Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Speaking in an interview yesterday in Asaba, shortly after the thanksgiving service to mark Governor Oborevwori’s first anniversary in office, Senator Joel-Onowakpo expressed his admiration for the governor’s inclusive mindset.

He urged him to continue being open-minded and encouraged him to consider appointing credible members from the opposition party to his cabinet.

The senator emphasized the importance of opposition parties working together for the overall development of Delta State and Nigeria as a whole.

He suggested that federal government intervention programmes should not solely pass through members of the APC party but should be routed through various state governors, regardless of their political affiliation.

When asked on his presence at the thanksgiving Service as an opposition senator, Joel-Onowakpo disclosed that he was invited for the event by the governor, saying that he represents all constituents, irrespective of their political leanings.

He emphasized that the governor of Delta State serves all residents and not just those affiliated with the PDP.

He added that as a senator, he is obliged to represent all and bring the dividends of democracy to all the people.

The senator commended Governor Oborevwori for extending an invitation to all senators from Delta State, regardless of their political affiliations, adding ” I see it as a wise and inclusive gesture and I consider it disrespectful to turn down such an invitation based solely on party lines”.

Joel-Onowakpo highlighted the need for politicians to move away from primitive politics, where the opposition is viewed as an enemy to be punished.

He urged everyone to embrace a cross-fertilization of ideas for rapid development, emphasizing that their common goal should be the empowerment of the people and the progress of the entire region.

Senator Joel-Onowakpo encouraged Governor Oborevwori to continue fostering a collaborative environment and stressed the importance of working together for the betterment of Delta State and Nigeria as a whole.

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