Shina Peters speaks about coronavirus lockdown, says he has learnt to manage his savings

Afro juju exponent, Sir Shina Peters, has opened up on how the Covid-19 lockdown has humbled him and how he now spends his saving as no current jobs are forthcoming!

Sir Shina Peters poured out his mind in this chat with City people saying

” As regards Covid-19 I have learnt a lot. The Covid-19 has shown to us that this life is far more delicate than we can imagine. I now believe that whatever you are doing today in a second, the table can turn around. I have learnt to be more conscious. I have learnt to be more humble, because we may be seeing today and tomorrow we are no more together. Apart from that for us, especially it’s only when we are eating and dinning together we remember ourselves. We have been indoor for 3 months now.

So I have learnt to be more cautious now especially when it comes to savings. If we don’t work for 3 months and money is not coming from anywhere, if you don’t know how would you will manage, if the money is not forthcoming, the one you saved too will finish.

As long as we are still on the lockdown there is nothing like music, there is nothing like concert, there is nothing like social life. So if this pandemic continues till next year, how are we going to survive? But people are talking about banking they are talking about corporate world, they are forgetting that it’s we artistes they always use when they are going up there.

They use us when they are going for the Presidency, Senate etc. to be singing for them. But today no one is remembering us. That’s why I learnt to respect integrity. If you have integrity you have everything God forbid, I will not go into the street and be begging people for money, but what I am saying is it’s good to save because this kind of thing can still happen any time. What I am spending now is my past savings. We always advise artistes to always make sure their music is a constant materials. By the grace of God I have many materials to turn to money anyday anytime. But what about those artistes who have sold their master tapes?”