Sokoto ACReSAL Meets with World Bank Dam Safety Experts

By Muhammad Ibrahim, Sokoto

The Sokoto ACReSAL Project Management Unit held an important meeting with World Bank Dam Safety Experts regarding the ongoing rehabilitation of the Lugu Dam. The meeting focused on environmental safeguards and safety requirements essential for the success of the project.

According to the project’s Communication Unit, the meeting aimed to discuss the observations, questions, and recommendations raised during the experts’ visit to the Lugu Dam site the previous day. The meeting was led by the Director General and Project Coordinator of Sokoto ACReSAL, Alhaji Ibrahim Umaru, in the conference room of the Sokoto Project Management Unit (SPMU).

The visit by the World Bank experts was crucial in ensuring compliance with dam safety standards, providing focused training, and addressing capacity building needs to meet all safety requirements before starting the reconstruction work.

During the meeting, various questions and recommendations were discussed to ensure the success of the rehabilitation. Project Coordinator Ibrahim Umaru assured the experts that all environmental safety measures discussed would be strictly adhered to during the rehabilitation process. He thanked them for their support and wished them a safe journey back to their destinations.

The event also featured presentations by the Project Coordinator on the history and technical aspects of the Lugu Dam, as well as a 3D map of the dam presented by the project’s GIS officer, Aminu Abubakar Aliyu.

The meeting was attended by all project staff, who actively engaged in the discussions, furthering the efforts toward a safe and successful rehabilitation of the Lugu Dam.