SOKOTO: Association Of Anaesthetists Commemorate World Anaesthesia Day In Sokoto

By Muhammad Ibrahim, Sokoto 

The Association with the aim of improving health activities observed the day to signify importance of health for all throughout the world, Sokoto in particular. 

The Health Personnels totalling 116 today commemorate World Anaesthetists Day in Sokoto with discussions and cutting of cake that symbolizes togetherness. 

The event with the theme, ‘Medication Safety,’ was organized by the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Unit, Usman Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto, in collaboration with professional stakeholders.

The challenge of inadequate Anaesthetists workforce totalling 58, comprising of 6 Consultants, 35 Nurses and 17 Trainees dominated discussion at the commemoration of this year’s World Anaesthesia Day, held in Sokoto.

Going down memory lane on the history of Anaesthesia in Sokoto, Challenges of the Profession and the way forward, a former head of the department at UDUTH, Dr Abdulkarim Abdullahi, narrated that the department got the first accreditation for it residency training in 2008 and, the department has contributed in training Physician Anaesthesia manpower in the northern zone of the country.

Speaking on the theme, ‘Medication Safety,’ the head of the Department, Dr Ibrahim Galadima, listed wrong drugs, wrong dose, wrong patient, wrong route and wrong time as types of medication error.

To reduce medication error, Dr Galadima proffered that “label on any drug ampoule or syringe should be read carefully before use; formal organization of drug drawer and work space should be used with attention, tidiness and removal of dangerous drugs from the operation room should also be considered”.

Other measures to reduce medication error according to Dr Galadima include, error during administration should be reported and reviewed; avoid packaging and presentation of look-alike drugs and, drugs should be drawn up and labelled by the Anaesthesia provider himself/herself.