
Steps on how to overcome addiction

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Everyone is/used to be addicted to something. In as much as we try to disagree, it is the truth. In short, you shouldn’t be ashamed of it. The human nature is prone to be drawn to something. The real question is, what does society say about your addiction. In other words, is it against moral standards?
Addiction varies and is not limited to dependence on substances such as heroin or cocaine. Some addictions also involve an inability to stop partaking in activities, such as gambling, eating, or working. In these circumstances, a person has a behavioral addiction.
You could be addicted to your phone, to watching television. It could be smoking or consuming alcohol. It mustn’t be something as bad as pornography or sex before it is termed addiction. There are lots of persons who are also addicted to reading books, some even sleeping.
You do not need to be ashamed. 7 out of every 10 are battling with an addiction or more. Needless to say that you are not alone.
In this article, I will be giving us steps on how to overcome addiction. One thing to take note of is that some addictions are like diseases, it takes time to heal but certainly, it will be cured. Be sure to take these steps conscientiously.

1. Recognise that you have one. Take cognisance of the fact that you are addicted to something and admit to it. Truth is no one knows you better than you know yourself. The first step in every battle is to identify your enemy. It takes at least 21 days to develop a habit and more to become an addict. You alone know what you’re addicted to. Own it! Do not hate or condemn yourself.

2. Make an effort. It is not just admitting to it, do more by making an effort to quit. You could start small by switching off your phone and going to bed early instead of surfing the internet (if you are addicted to porn) or you could make a total STOP! Most times, the latter might be difficult. But it is not impossible. You can do it. You just have to learn to discipline yourself.

3. Focus on why you should quit. Truth is, every addiction has a negative effect; some psychological, some on your health, some on both. The mind can be very tricky. A lot of persons who have made attempts at fighting addictions threw in the towel because they told themselves they could not do it. Some, gave up too early.
Hypothetically, if you were told by your doctor that your life is being threatened because of the excessive nicotine in your lungs, would you not quit smoking? Focus not on the addiction itself, but more on the nonaddictive part of you and how it could be beneficial to you.

4. Confide in someone you trust. If you feel you cannot fight it alone, you can talk to someone about it. This happens to be quite difficult because a lot of addicts are shy about it. It certainly can be very embarrassing to open up to someone about your masturbating habits. However, as I said earlier, you’re not alone. If you are willing to let go, you should be ready to do whatever it takes.
Ensure the person you are meeting is someone you trust and certain will not disclose your situation to any third party. S/he could be your friend, parent/guardian, counselor or spiritual leader. If you are not comfortable about talking to someone who knows you, try out one who doesn’t. Let us not sugarcoat any further; addiction could be a problem and a problem shared is a problem solved.

5. Engage yourself in something else that would most likely take your time and attention away from the addiction. Most times, it is because of your idleness that you fall into those habits. Be busy, but do not end up becoming too busy for important things. Do not fall into the danger of neglecting every other factors in your life (family, relationships, rest etc.) Set your priorities and leave no time for idleness.

6. Pray about it. As a person who believes in God, you are enjoined to tell every of your problems to him in prayers. Sometimes our efforts may fail, but when we lean on God in all that we do, trusting in him all through the way, we are promised of success in totality. Run to him. He loves you and will never condemn you if you’re willing to go to him.

Source: opera.com

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