
SWAN Gets New Leaders In Bayelsa

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Amgbare Ekaunkumo, Yenagoa

The Bayelsa State Chapter of the Sports Writers Association of Nigeria (SWAN) has elected a new leadership with Mrs Timinipre Ohia of the Nigerian Television Authority, (NTA), emerging as Chairman to pilot it’s affairs for the next three years.

The keenly contested election held at the Ernest Ikoli Press Center, Azikoro road Ekeki Yenagoa, saw Mrs Timinipre Ohia clinching eleven votes out of twenty one, while her only challenger, Pereolotu Amgbare of The Light Newspaper garnered ten votes.

Preye Yabrifa of Glory FM 97.1 was the lone contestant of the office of Vice Chairman, same for Patrick Ndubuisi of Raypower/AIT, who vyied for Secretary and Ekaunkumo Amgbare of Daybreak Nigeria Newspaper contesting for the office of the Treasurer, as the trio were returned unopposed.

The election was held under the supervision of Mr China Acheru, National Ex Officio, who represented the National President of SWAN.

Inaugurating the newly elected officials, Mr. China Acheru described the electoral process as peaceful and orderly and charged the Executive members to
to run an inclusive administration and ensure unity of members at all times.

In their remarks, the Bayelsa State Sports Development Commissioner, Champion Daniel Igali represented by Mr Nicolas Digha, the Head Of Department, Human Resource Management, Ministry of Sports, commended members of the Sports Writers Association of Nigeria, for their peaceful conduct throughout the electoral process.

Also speaking, Elder Chris Odi, and Jacobson Park urged the new executives to work with all stakeholders and colleagues, as well as rally round possible aggrieved members.

In her inaugural speech shortly after the election, Timinipre Ohia , the newly elected Chairman of SWAN in Bayelsa State, said that the conclusion of the election signaled a new dawn in the state chapter of the association.

The Chairman also promised to carry every member along in the scheme of things as well as operate an open-door policy.

She expressed her gratitude to all SWAN members for entrusting her with their votes, and assured she will need their advice and place SWAN first above personal interest.

She called on all aggrieved members to shealth their sword and collectively join her to move Bayelsa SWAN to greater height.

She equally thanked the National Delegate, Mr China Acheru, the SWANECO led by Tommy Amaegbe, the immediate past Caretaker Committee led by Elder Herbert Loveday, as well as the immediate past Alambo Datonye-led executive, for their tireless contributions towards the peaceful conduct of the election.

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