
Synergy Amongst Security Agents, Antidote To Criminality In The Society – EODU

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From Noah Ocheni, Lokoja

The national President of Egume Ome Descendants’ Union (EODU) Alhaji Mohammed Ibrahim has solicited for formidable synergy between security agents and hunters association so as to sustain the present security of lives and property in the area.

Ibrahim made the call at the 2022 national convention of the Union held at community comprehensive secondary school Egume over the weekend.

He pointed out that the security success recorded by the union in the past months is unquantifiable and called for the cooperation of the public with the security agents to achieve maximum results.

The national President who frowned at the suspension of the Egume security committee by Dekina local council chairman called for the lifting of the suspension, stressing that the action will give room for criminality in the area.

Alhaji Ibrahim tasked the representative of Okura constituency at the state house of assembly, Hon. Enema Paul and the counselor representing Okura Ward , Hon. Usman Agbadi, aka ‘away’ to liaise with the Dekina council Chairman to ensure that the ban on Egume security committee is lifted.

He therefore commended Hon. Enema Paul, representing Okura constituency in Kogi State house of assembly for sponsoring the Kogi State award for outstanding and rewarding community vigilante architecture.

On the demise of the paramount ruler of the Onu Egume, HRH. Alh Etila Ajeka, the national President, appealed to the four traditional ruling houses of Onu Egume to ensure that literate person is selected and all the tradition and custom guidelines in chosen the Onu Egume is followed to the later.

In his remarks, the Divisional Police Officer, SP. Clement Eiya assured that his men are battle ready to join hands with other security agents to curb criminality within Egume metropolis.

He also appealed to the Egume Ome Descendants’ Union to provide them with serviceable vehicle that could enhance their performance.

Highlights of this year’s convention was the awards of outstanding Pioneer, Selfless Leadership, Community Service, Human development and Notable Friends awards on the deserving Sons and Friends of Egume respectively.

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