
Tanko Discusses Possibility of LP Factions Resolving Rift

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Yunusa Tanko, the spokesman for the former Obi-Datti presidential campaign council, recently addressed the ongoing conflict between the factions of the Labour Party (LP) led by Deputy Chairman Lamidi Apapa and National Chairman Julius Abure. In an interview with Daily Post, Tanko highlighted the unpredictable nature of politics, stating that “anything can happen at any time.”

Tanko expressed optimism about the potential for unity between the two factions, noting that both Apapa and Abure share a common purpose. He emphasized that if their cooperation is in the best interest of everyone involved, it would be a positive development for the party. However, he also cautioned that any unity should be carefully scrutinized to ensure it serves the greater good.

The rift between Abure and Apapa has been a significant issue within the LP. In April 2023, a court ruling barred Abure and three others from presenting themselves as national officers of the party. Despite this, Abure, with the support of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) under National President Joe Ajaero, fought to retain his position. However, relations between Abure and the NLC deteriorated following a controversial national convention in Anambra, which reaffirmed Abure’s leadership. This event led the NLC to withdraw its support and establish a transition committee to organize a new convention.

Tanko’s remarks suggest a cautious but hopeful outlook for resolving the internal conflicts within the Labour Party, emphasizing the importance of unity and collective purpose.

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