
Taraba: Sen. Bwacha Raises Alarm Over Threat To Nigeria’s Territorial Integrity

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By our Correspondent.

A federal lawmaker Taraba South, Senator Emmanuel Bwacha, has raised alarm over a threat to Nigeria’s territorial sovereignty.

This followed the invasion of Manga community in Takum Local Government Area of Taraba state by Ambazonia separatists from the southern part of neighbouring Cameroon.

Senator Bwacha, who represents Taraba South, raised the alarm while addressing his colleagues during Wednesday’s plenary in the Senate chamber of the National Assembly in Abuja.

He said the community was invaded by separatists from the neighbouring country an incident he said led to the killing of the village head of Manga and some residents.

The lawmaker said some other residents were forced to flee their homes, leaving the village deserted.

Senator Bwacha, further, called on the military to immediately swing into action to prevent the eventual occupation of Manga community by the separatists.

Manga is a village located in Takum Local Government Area which shares boundaries with the Republic of Cameroon.

The late traditional ruler’s brother, Joseph Manga, who is also a Senior Special Assistant to the Taraba State Governor, confirmed the incident to Channels Television.

According to him, the Ambazonian soldiers first attacked the border community in Cameroon republic before crossing over to Nigeria to unleash mayhem.

Other residents of the community were said to be missing as some of them reportedly fled to neighbouring communities for safety.

Similarly, the lawmakers directed the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs to immediately send relief materials to the affected victims and offset the medical bills of those injured.

They also observed a minute’s silence in honour of the Nigerians who lost their lives to the tragedy

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