
Team Nigeria shines at World Chovken Championship in Azerbaijan

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By Ileye Jennifer

Team Nigeria is currently participating in the Chovken World Championship 2024 holding in Baku, Azerbaijan.

A statement signed and issued by Joesef Karim, Media Assistant to Vice President, African Region, International Chovken Federation disclosed that so far, Team Nigeria has played two matches and won them both.

The statement revealed that first, Nigeria beat Germany 5:0 and then beat Poland 4:1 at the on-going Chovken Championship.

The World Chovken Championship was being held from 10th to 16th of June and there are 10 participating countries at the 2024 Chovken World Championship namely: Azerbaijan, Turkey, Malta, Kuwait, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Poland, Germany and Nigeria.

The ancient sport of Chovken is a team sport similar to Polo, according to the statement, it is played by horse riders with sticks competing to hit a small ball into a goal post.

It stated that one match consists of two halves, each lasting 15 minutes of effective play time.

Adding that four, 4, players per team, with substitutes allowed.

It stated that no handicap scale was being used, and every team can be accepted.

Teams are encouraged to have a similar skill level. Polo Team handicap of 2-4.

Team Nigeria players are; Yusuf Bello, Shehu Kangiwa, Mukhtar Adhama and Abdulmalik Badamasi.

The Nigerian team was led by Nura Sani Kangiwa, the patron of NSK Polo team and Resort. Kangiwa is the Chairman, African Region, of the International Chovken Federation. He is also the President of Nigeria Polo Federation.

The other Team Nigeria official is Abdulkarim Jibrin , Vice President, Nigeria Polo Federation.

Nigeria’s next matchs were against Morocco, Thursday and Kuwait, Friday.

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