By Adefolarin A. Olamilekan
Like play play, this year Christmas celebration as come and gone.
With all its attractions, attentions and attributes.
The weight of extravagant funfairs that Christmas celebration carries globally. Cannot be overemphasize, particularly as this kind of festive cut across ages, continents and race.
As it entails simply, Christmas is a merriment of love, sharing of gift and a season of heightened consumption of foods and drinks. Let not forget, this period of the year is best regards as special time for holidays. While this holiday part of Christmas celebration is highly cherish as family reunion time.
Even as many other people consider it vital days has the year get to a close, to visit and take out time to see old friends, call up long forgetting but remember folks.
Instructively, the spiritual aspect of Christmas, especially as it continue to remind christians on the significance of the birth of Jesus Christ (Prophet Isah, Peace Be Upon Him).
In this wise, many churches gather for camp meeting so as to engaged in prayers, fasting and evergalism.
This acts portray the spiritual connection of Jesus birth to many christian faithful. Nevertheless, some christians still not favour the December 25th date as appropriate.
Far from the controversy and theological debate on date or no date.
The key message of Christmas is a huge task on humanity.Off which mankind is still far from genuinely observing,and this as to do with true pure love to one another.
Just like the Pope Francis said in his this Christmas message “The World is starving for peace”
And for us peace is a product of love.
Back to the vital point of this piece Christmas Economy.
As earlier pointed in this piece,many activities in Christmas celebration are critical economy engagement.
The volume of productions, distributions, trades, exchanges, sales, and marketing.
Are what transform and transmit into the various forms of goods and services transaction. Across the globe that are remarkable for economy growths boost that different nations enjoy.
Moreso, for
corporate organization as well as Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Meanwhile, it is also the season that government authority look forward to at the peak of year ending, having to weigh it economic strategic on sectorial attributes.
Such on aviation, tourism, hospitality, security etc.
With great insight as this directly impact the economy in Christmas.
However, we need not to remind ourselves that this Christmas season, also come with baggage of high cost of goods and services.
This is the typical economic challenges that flow from demand and supply chains of value.
The season bring on us to bear as burdens of the celebration.
Interestingly, nobody want to be left out in the fun, merriment and partying of Christmas.
From beautuful and handsome creative looks and appearances,as well as the grooves and enjoyment galore.
That flow from the various foods and expensive drinks.
Regrettably, some ends in debts and losses as a result of extravagant life style in Christmas celebration.
With skyrocketing prices of transportation, food items,cloths and other exsential and non exsential products.
Expressly, the celebration season is not an opportunity for individuals,groups and corporate entities to think more of profit.
Even though we acknowledge they are not in business as father Christmas.
And much more we agreed with them they need to sustain their production cost, expansion plans,pay taxes and give back to their shareholders.
Consequently, this is commendable of them,and it is a testament of their larger contribution not just to the local economy but at global scale.
Succinctly, for us Christmas celebration comes with the love in the air, howebeith, with it own ‘Economy’.
And we can all agreed it is worth it, only if human can be more sincere in all our economic actions.