Insomnia is a medical condition which the patient finds it extremely difficult to sleep at night and in return, leads to daytime sleepiness . It causes an uncomfortable feeling that affects the patient psychologically and physically. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 30%-40% of American adults report that they have had symptoms of insomnia within a year, and 10%-15% of adults claims to have chronic insomnia.
Insomnia is seen to have an undesirable impact on the patient’s health, quality of life and performance in their daily duties. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has declared that March 12, is Insomnia Awareness Day throughout the country
Furthermore, insomnia in some patients is caused by psychological traumas, depression, health challenges, chronic pain, hormones (estrogen), brain lesions and much more.
Insomnia which is a Latin word for “no sleep” that has a higher chance of developing in older adults than young ones. Insomnia is pretty much controllable while at it’s at its mild state. In some patients, insomnia can be chronic as well, this condition can be noticed from a patient who finds it ; extremely difficult to sleep, having daytime sleepiness, waking up before the desired time and waking up too many times between a sleep. Insomnia is suspected to be passed down the family line if in the case of early onset of the condition. In this case, the tendency of developing into chronic or severe insomnia is on the high side. Hereditary insomnia according to scientist is due to the fact that some people’s people’s genes increase their stress reactivity which in turn alters the possibility of poor sleep and generating insomnia.
Furthermore, there are quite a number of moves for treating patients with insomnia which includes; Control therapy(situating the patient in an environment conducive for sleeping), sleep restriction in the day time, physical therapy ( yoga and meditation), medication of sleeping pills and anti depressants.
Most victims that suffer from this sleep disorder called insomnia usually get aggressive, lose of eagerness or enthusiasm in their day to day activity as the energy level in them is significantly reduced compared with someone with good health condition. Patients also have a high chance of memory lose as research has shown that adequate rest and sleep enhance the memory capacity. Patients of insomnia are also known for reduced work productivity compared with a person without the disorder. Insomnia also triggers the patient psychologically and tend to have a high rate of frustration. Experts have also gathered that they have a reduced level of concentration and they are likely to have domestic accidents
Furthermore, patients dealing with insomnia should go through a consistent sleep habit, behavior therapy and pinpointing and addressing the causal factors which may suggest the disorder. Medications without or less side side effects should be taken as well
Patient with chronic insomnia should endeavor to have a sleep specialist who physically exam the patient , keeps records on the patient’s sleep pattern and prescribe a sleep diary or prescribe a proper medication.
Insomnia is a disorder which affects all part of the world and if awareness is not made known, the world would remain in it’s cuffs.