The unnecessary war that nearly rendered Abia desolate

By Okechukwu Keshi Ukegbu

The worst wars are wars within. This aptly captures what happened in Abia recently when some criminal elements attempted to occupy the public space leaving in their trail ruin.
After every war, losses are counted in terms of human and material casualties and it is bound on the warring nation’s to undertake the repairs- and this costs huge resources to replace. It took Nehemiah and his allies huge efforts in trying of materials and time to reinstate Jerusalem from the aftermath of Babylonian captivity. Now the criminal elements has caused huge infrastructural loss to Abia, and it is going to cause the state huge resources to replace. Unfortunately, these resources could have been put to better use elsewhere. It is equally unfortunate that now that governments across the globe and designing appropriate responses to manage lean resources occasioned by economic hardships arising from unhealthy events that have trailed the world recently, disgruntled elements are launching Abia backwards to donkey years. The questions that would continue to beg for resolution here is “what justifies this unnecessary and misplaced war on public and private establishments in the state?” “Do the rape on these infrastructures by these elements form part of the demands that informed the protests? “Next time let these elements understand that defence from the point of violence is a weak defense. And let them heed to the following address on:” So not fight by means of violence. Violence is a sign of weakness. Whatever cannot win by influencing the heart tries to win by means of violence. The most splendid and lasting battles known to history are the battles of human thought. The most ignoble and the shortest are the battles of violence. An idea which prevails merely through the use of violence is perverted. A living idea conquers by itself. It is followed by millions”.-Jerzy Popieluszko A Martyr for the Truth