Tips on growing your beards faster

If you’re looking forward to growing your hair or beard, it’s hard to accept that it just takes time. In reality, the most significant (and unchangeable) factor in how quickly your hair or beard will grow is your genetic profile. Nonetheless, there are things you can do to speed up the process a little. Take care of your hair and beard as it grows, adopt a healthy lifestyle, and talk to your doctor if extra help is needed. And be patient, above all!

Be patient and let your hair grow.
The general knowledge in how quickly your hair and beard grows is your genetic profile, and there’s not much you can do about it. While you can take steps to help the cycle, your beard should also grow at its own rate and in its own way.
· Many people say that cutting your hair/ beard regularly can promote faster growth, but there is no evidence to support it.
· Frequent shaving may stimulate hair follicles to grow faster before you start growing a beard, but the evidence for this is also minimal at best
· So, just let it grow once you start growing a beard

Wash your face twice per day to unblock hair follicles.
Using warm water to wash your hair. Massage in a gentle face cleanser if you haven’t begun your beard yet. If you have a beard, use a mild shampoo on your face hair as well. Rinse with clear, clean water the cleanser and/or shampoo, then pat your face dry with a soft towel. Do that every morning and night.
· Regularly washing your face will help your hair follicles absorb dirt and oil. It makes growing easier for them.

Exfoliate your face once per week.
Use a mild cleanser or shampoo to wash your face as usual, just rinse with warm water and leave your skin damp. Gently massage your entire face (including any hair on your skin) in the exfoliant, then rinse it away with clean water and pat your face dry.
· Exfoliating may help clear out dead skin cells that may hinder the full growth potential of your hair follicles.

Pamper your growing beard with beard oil or softener.
While you should be careful about any product claims made to promote beard growth, beard oils and beard softeners may actually provide some advantages. Keeping soft and hydrated your beard hair will boost growth slightly faster.
· If you have acne, stop beard oil. It can make the breakouts worse.
· Using beard items at least would make your beard look better and feel better, no matter how quickly it grows.

Reduce stress to encourage beard growth.
You’ve probably heard that too much tension can lead to hair loss. Therefore, it should not be shocking that it may also slow the growth of hair. Which means the less you’re concerned about your beard, the better it could grow!
· Find the strategies for stress reduction that work best for you. Try things like yoga, meditation, deep breathing, gradual relaxing of the body, nature walks, listening to music, talking to friends, or reading a good book.
· Consult with your doctor and mental health professional if you have significant problems with stress management

Stop smoking for your overall (and maybe beard) health.
There is no clear evidence that smoking is especially bad for the health of the beard. Smoking, however, is clearly bad for so many aspects of your overall health that it is not unreasonable to think it could impede the growth of beard. Whether or not you’re trying to grow a mustache, focus as soon as possible on leaving.
· Most smoking cessation aids are available today. Consult with your physician to find the right process (or method combination) for you.
· There is some evidence to suggest that smoking will make your beard hair turn gray faster.