Tips on making her fall in love with you

For guys, asking a lady out is one thing while making her fall in love is another thing entirely which is totally necessary for a better relationship.
Sometimes it’s always difficult to get any lady of your type and desires, most especially when you have tried all possible ways in making them realize what they are actually missing for not accepting your wants.
Ladies can sometimes be funny and ridiculous to some, but it’s just a matter of knowing what to do at the right time (how to play your cards).
SalasDoePost has been able to gather Tested tips by Relationship expert on how to make a lady fall in love with you.

1. Have listening ears
For most Girls, a man that liisten to their problems is a real man which belongs to the heart. So for a guy, you need to be calm and must be ready to hear what a lady has to say.

2. Always Compliments her
Is their anyone who doesn’t like a nice compliment now and then? Just please don’t give her fake praise or she will kick your butt to the curb fast.
Make sure the compliment is genuine and sincere and not too deep.I
If you overdo it, I can guarantee this pointer will backfire big time.Flatter her a little and she will reward you handsomely.

3. Loyalty and give her total support
A girl need you to show her you will be there to encourage her on and support her in her daily battles.
This doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything she does and says, that would make you a pushover puppet.

4. Learn to Employ the use of CHIVALRY CARD
Every lady wants to be treated like a Queen sitting in the Oval Office.
Too many guys today seem to forget their manners. When you treat a lady properly, it will never ever go out of style.Open the door for her.
Pull out her chair. Give her your coat on a chilly evening.
When you show her she’s worth being treated specially, you will be squeezing your way into her heart for all the right reasons.

5. Give her Total Attention
A man that gives total and adequate attention to is girl when needed is a Lady’s man.
If you are serious about showing this girl you deserve to have her fall in love with you, then you need to keep all eyes on her.
This means putting your phone away and definitely not watching other girls walk into the room.
You will come across as a prick if you can’t give her your full attention. The choice is yours.

6. Surprise her needlessly
In this particular aspect for a guy, ou need to stand out and in order to do this, you’ve got to take care of the little things.
Give her flowers or some sort of surprise just because. Don’t wait until a special occasion to show her how you feel.

7. Keep your lifestyle clean and smooth
A cubby guy is always an hearth breaker, Truth be told, if you are leaving your dirty socks on the floor and the sink filled with your dishes, you are killing the romance.
Girls like it clean and that means you need to make every effort to clean up after yourself and not leave it to her, no matter what she says.

8. Be cool and be funny
A guy must be ready to make his lady comfortable and always smiling with his charming words.
The very last thing a girl wants is a high strung man that just can’t play it cool.
If you show her you’ve got the innate ability to diffuse spicy situations and shrug off the small things, you are going to show her straight up she’d be crazy not to fall in love with you. So therefore be cool..