Tips on staying positive everyday

Start your day with an activity that makes you happy. Always start by doing something you love and enjoy doing not things that gets you worried and stressed.

Be ambitious and set inspiring goals. If you aim at nothing, you get nothing. Your goals keep you hopeful and energised for what lies ahead.

Surround yourself with positive people and keep a merry heart. Stay away from pessimists who may draw you back in the pursuit of your goals and as much as it depends on you, choose to be happy be no matter the situation you find yourself. Remember, happiness is a choice.


Readily accept failure as part of the success equation. Warriors sometimes fall and champions sometimes lose. Failing is not the same as being a failure. Accept that things won’t always go your way.


Believe, meditate, and confess positive words. You can’t believe God for the best and confess otherwise. Scripture says life and death are in the power of the tongue. That is, destinies are shaped and destroyed with words.

Positivity may not be the only key to success but success cannot be achieved and maintained without it. Stay positive!