Tips to follow when using a public toilet

Here are some health tips to keep you safe when using a public toilet:

1. If Possible, Don’t Use The First Toilet
Except it’s the only one available at that point on time, it’s better to avoid the first toilet.
The chances of it being as clean as the others are low. Why, because that has probably been everyone’s choice before you came along.

2. Always Have Your Own Pack of Tissue Handy
To be on the safe side, the importance of having your own pack of tissue can’t be over-emphasized. Not all public restrooms provide tissue paper so it’s safer to always go about with yours. Its also better hygiene wise as you don’t know how the person who used the toilet before you handled it.
It may have even fallen down and placed back, you never know, so as a precaution, try removing the first layer before use.

3.Protect your belongings
If you are taking your personal belongings e,g your bag to the toilet with you, I am sure the last thing you want is them falling on the floor or even in the toilet (I will probably just abandon them there)
To avoid this, the safest place to keep it is outside the toilet. If you are left with no option, it’s better to keep it hanging on the doorknob or wall counter far away from germs.
Putting it on the floor is a No-No.

4. Try Sitting Instead Of Squatting
Trying to convince a woman that it’s better to sit on the seat in a public toilet than squat may be hard or near impossible.
We all are afraid of getting infected and saying we should sit on a seat that probably breeds thousands of germs just sounds queer.
According to experts, it’s actually safer and better to sit as there is minimal risk of getting infected.
Just try to wipe the seat with tissue and a disinfectant, and you are good to go.

5. Avoid laying tissue on the toilet seat
Most of us are guilty of this act.
No matter how good this decision might seem, it’s actually one of the worst.
One way we try to avoid coming in contact with all the bacteria floating around in public toilet is coating the seat with tissue paper to make a ‘protective layer’.
What we fail to realize is that we are actually exposing ourselves to more bacteria and germs by doing this.

6. Flush with care
After you are done with your ‘business’, you need to leave correctly.
To avoid germs flying in the air, gently close the toilet lid right after you stand up and flush the water only after you close the lid.

7. Finally, wash your hands thoroughly
This is by far the most important step to reduce the risk of diseases and infection after using a public toilet.
It is advised you thoroughly wash your hands and also dry them either with hair dryers or paper towel dispensers.
As much as possible, you should avoid touching any surfaces especially the doorknobs when leaving the restroom. Do not use your bare hands.
Also, have your sanitizer handy just in case.