
Trade Minister harvests sugarcane at N64bn Sunti Sugar Estates

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The Minister of Industry Trade and Investment, Niyi Adebayo has lauded the Sunti Golden Sugar Estates for the degree of venture made in the sugar part in Nigeria.

Adebayo who was on a voyage through the organization’s office in Mokwa, Niger state said that the venture by Sunti was the biggest speculation under the Sugar Backward Integration Policy of the Federal Government.

The minister who likewise used to chance to figure out how to reap sugar sticks, said that the venture he had seen vowed to give occupations to numerous Nigerians.

With a generation focus of more than 1,500 tons before the finish of 2019, the minister depicted the Sugar Estate’s speculation as praiseworthy and in accordance with FG’s Sugar Master Plan.

In a progression of tweets and retweets on his handle @NiyiAdebayo, the priest was found in a video really gathering sugar sticks at the Sunti Golden Sugar Estates.

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