
Troops Eliminate Notorious Bandit Leader in Bauchi

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By Daniel Edu

In a significant development, troops belonging to the 33 Brigade of the Nigerian Army successfully eliminated the notorious leader of a bandit gang responsible for terrorizing residents in the Ningi Local Government Area of Bauchi State.

The influential bandit, known as Ya’u, met his fate during an ambush conducted by the troops at a strategic crossing point in Burra, Ningi, on a Friday.

Ya’u had gained notoriety as the leader of a gang known for employing heavy weaponry to spread fear among the people of Burra and nearby communities. This group was involved in kidnapping for ransom and, in extreme cases, resorting to violence when their ransom demands were not met.

Sources in Burra reported that the soldiers effectively neutralized Ya’u as he and his gang were returning to their hideout following an operation.

On the same day, the bandits had also kidnapped the traditional ruler of Kwajale village in Sumaila LGA, Kano State.

The Nigerian Army officially confirmed Ya’u’s death in a statement released on Saturday by Brigadier General Onyema Nwachukwu, Director of Army Public Relations.

The statement outlined that the troops, acting on credible intelligence, patiently awaited the arrival of the bandits and then engaged them in a firefight.

As a result, one bandit was killed, while the others fled the scene with gunshot wounds, leaving behind blood traces as evidence. Additionally, the troops recovered an AK-47 rifle, 14 live rounds of 7.62 mm ammunition, a mobile phone, and a fetish amulet from the bandit.

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