Tunde of defunct Styl Plus hints on why the group broke up

Tunde of the defunct Styl Plus music group has hinted on why the group broke up and what the group members are currently doing.

Contrary to reports that the group broke off after he decided to pursue a solo career, leaving Shifi Omoefe and Zeal Onyecheme, Tunde has disclosed what actually went down in a recent interview with Leadership newspaper.

According to Tunde, there are different reasons why people break up. In his words;

“I believe you have to agree to be together. I have to trust you to have good intentions for me for it to work, once all these are questionable, it can’t work the way it supposes to. Let me put it this way, it’s really something that is not that serious, I’m a happy guy at this point in my life. I like getting things done, creating things and if the only way I can work with you is compromise then there is a problem.

For a long time, we have been working together because I decided to do things in certain ways. I’m a loyal guy, I might branch to other things till when you are ready. As at that time in 2012 when I left, we weren’t getting shows anymore and we weren’t recording new songs, people always asked the question where is Styl-Plus? Why are you not doing new album?

How will it be that when they call Styl-Plus we are doing songs we did in 2006 and so on, what happened to doing new songs, imagine you call 2face and the song he still singing is African Queen ” and that’s all you can add to his name, I got restless and I decided to do other things, which I thought if they were cool with that, we could still work together, but they didn’t want that at that point it was like we were on a downward spiral and nothing was happening.”

“I’m the kind of person that when I have an idea and I have a conviction for some reason why it should work, I go ahead with it, irrespective of the 99 reasons why it won’t work, I tried to magnify the one reason why it should work and go on with it. Left to me, I wanted to do a clothing line at that time, so I did a song name of the artiste, he was native boy. The name of the clothing company was Native Boy to create awareness for the brand. I didn’t put my name as I was still with the group. When they heard it, they wanted me to stop it.

So I just realized that even if this decision is going to kill me, let me try and do new things and be happy with it, I’m a producer apart from being a singer. I actually enjoy audio engineering very much. So when it comes to the technicalities of music, I think that is my first love. I’m into audio and visual production also into game production and programming. I’m a farmer. I studied Agricultural Economics and Extension in Federal University of Technology Akure. Agriculture is good business, I really have my hands on a lot right now.” He said.