
Ukomu Igala Applauds The Emergence Of New Attah Igala In Kogi

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From Noah Ocheni, Lokoja

The National leader, of Ukomu Igala Organisation (UIO), the Apex Voice of Igala Kingdom, Mr. David Abutu has applauded the emergence of Prince Alaji Matthew M. Opaluwa Oguche as Attah Igala designate.

The organisation also congratulate the beneficiary, Prince Opaluwa on his well-deserved selection, adding that Igala kingdom needs a person of his comportment, exposure, clout and experience on the royal throne of his ancestors, at this point in time.

In a press release issued by the UIO National leader, Mr. David Abutu assured the Attah Igala designate of full and undiluted support, at all times, in the interest of the progress of Igala land.

He commended the state government for listening to the voice of Kingmakers to the throne of Attah Igala and all those involved in the selection process.

The organisation urged the Attah Igala-designate to ensure that all contending forces to the throne are reconciled in the interest of peace and progress of Igala kingdom.

The release, however, urged the aggrieved parties of the royal bloodline to sheath their swords and work towards a successful coronation of the new Attah Igala.

The organisation also called on Igala sons and daughters all over the world to be prayerful towards an eventful coronation and peaceful reign of the new royal father.

The Apex Voice of Igala Kingdom urged the state government and all those responsible for the coronation to start the process without delay.

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