Umo Eno And Street Credibility

Poring over newspapers at the vendor’s at the popular Ibom Plaza this morning I overheard some interesting commentaries that ‘incensed’ my curiosity.
Readers-speakers take turn to analyse the economy, politics and government with the moderation of a choreographed mix. The flow of thought, the in-depth understanding of the social system and the rhythmic consensus of the speakers and listeners caught my attention.

Friday Ebong is a photographer who plies his trade in the popular Ibom Plaza. Metres away from the vendor’s joint is his camera stand.
One was curious to know why he’s not ‘hustling’ for customers as others of his trade. He jiggled and said on a bad day he goes home with N30,000.That his first meal a day is getting informed about the street.

“When Obong Attah in his benevolence developed this place(Ibom Plaza) I was one of the first persons to set up a full time business here. By the special grace of God I have 10 camera operators and stands here. From this business I have built my house and got married with children. I can take care of myself and my family .” He revealed proudly.

Like Peter Ebong millions of Nigerians live, work, trade and produce in this informal economy. All is needed is the infrastructure like the one he’s operating from.
From context observation, the informal sector in Nigeria is bigger than the formal sector in terms of employment and output year on year. In some cases, the informal economy is referred to as a shadow economy.

The Financial Standard of London reports that Nigeria has the largest informal economy in Africa. Street traders, artisans, vendors, nano and micro-businesses, commercial buses, tricycles, and motorbikes (Okada riders) domestic workers, market traders, smes among others all form the bulk of this economy.

In Lagos State for instance , the informal economy is said to employ about 5.5 million people – about three-quarters of the State’s 9.5 million labor force recently, and in the country as a whole with nearly 200 million people, over 80 percent of the population work in the informal sector according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

In Akwa Ibom the informal economy is estimated to employ more than 3 million people . This is as a result of the conscious steps taken by successive governments to promote self reliance and spread prosperity . Taken to another level the Dakaada philosophy of the Udom Emmanuel’s administration
embarked on series of measures, interventions, and support to encourage the formalization of informal businesses to sustain economic growth and development-from loan disbursement to petty traders/ SMEs, sponsoring and training of young entrepreneurs the government took it from the bottom rung and brought it to the top as the major drivers of the economic system.

The twin concept of informal sector development and industrialization by the Udom Emmmanuel’s administration has put Akwa Ibom on the world map. As Udom Emmanuel’s administration ends in May 29,2023, who would then superintend over the daunting challenge of managing the state airport and the airline, completing the MRO, the Deep Sea Port, the vehicle assembly plant etc and sustaining the industrialization drive of taking Akwa Ibom to the promised land? Who will sustain this momentum of peace and prosperity?

Peter Ebong and his gang of street analysts believe that Pastor Umo Eno is the street’s choice.
Probing further he opines that Umo Eno has street consciousness and credibility; he’s familiar with Akwa Ibom business environment and understands the basic challenges of the street(people)and methods to solve them. Ebong maintains that only Umo Eno can preserve the legacies of the Udom administration and build on it.
Of all who are canvassing to govern the state Ebong opines that Umo Eno stands tallest.

“He has what our people call ‘handwork. (Ubokutom)”. He said.
He’s a barrack boy who started from nothing and gathered funds to set up Royalty Hotels in Eket in 1997. The mustard seed has metamorphosed into a Group of companies with interest in beverages, industrial catering, apartments and coffee shop and taken over a thousand Nigerians off the street.

Ebong continued. ‘ Umo Eno has raised so many young entrepreneurs through The Gathering – a nonprofit making initiative in 2017 that convenes IGNITE; a global platform for knowledge-based empowerment, training and entrepreneurial skills development of youths for entrepreneurship and self -sufficiency. That man of God ,according to Ebong, speaks regularly to the youths and adult groups on entrepreneurship, leadership and ethics. “We have benefited from his charitable causes as a fellow of the Rotary Club. Even when he was first appointed and till now as I speak you can walk up to him for solutions to your problems. He’s a social mixer and friend.”
He concluded.

The street have spoken. Umo Eno has what it takes to mobilize Akwa Ibom people to prosperity and sustain the peace.
From the streets of Akwa Ibom the new song is ‘ebô enô . Let’s sing along…