
Uncertified Contractor Responsible for Fatal Elevator Installation, Says Medical Guild

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By Daniel Edu

The Chairman of the Medical Guild, Dr. Sa’eid Ahmad, has revealed the findings of an investigative panel regarding the tragic death of Dr. Diaso Vwaere, who lost her life in a malfunctioned elevator incident. According to the investigation, the elevator was installed by a contractor who lacked the necessary certification for elevator system installation.

Dr. Ahmad disclosed these findings during a news conference, providing an update on the probe into the circumstances surrounding Dr. Vwaere’s death. The incident occurred in June 2021 when the elevator failed to function properly during its inauguration. The contractor attributed the elevator’s failure to inadequate power supply from the generator used for the inauguration.

Regular maintenance of the elevator was required every four weeks for optimal performance, but it appears that such maintenance was neglected.

Dr. Ahmad strongly stated that the contractor, installers, and other individuals involved in the substandard installation should be held accountable and face legal consequences.

Furthermore, he highlighted the series of infrastructural challenges that have plagued the house officers’ quarters of the General Hospital in Odan, Lagos, since its rehabilitation from 2015 to 2016. Dr. Ahmad appealed to the state government to take action by installing a new elevator in the building through a certified installer and ensuring regular maintenance.

In light of the tragedy, Dr. Vwaere’s colleagues staged a peaceful protest at the hospital. The Nigerian Medical Association responded by directing medical doctors in three government hospitals on Lagos Island to commence an indefinite strike to demand justice for Dr. Vwaere’s death.

Dr. Ahmad emphasized the need to preserve Dr. Vwaere’s memory and extend support to her family. The Medical Guild is committed to following up on the investigation to ensure that justice is served for the loss of their colleague and friend.

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